
this news is broken

The Boss Tweed shoot was tons o' fun and the footage is pretty decent given that all the stage lights seemed to get turned off for their set. I, personally, didn't do as good a job on the camera work as I did on my previous outing, but my friends Jeff and John more than capably backed me up on the other two cameras so I have plenty to work with. Thanks to Galapagos Art Space for letting us shoot there and to the sound guy, Josh Loar, for letting me plug in to the soundboard.

After the show I went to a party that my upstairs neighbors were throwing and we decided to have a Whole House Party, incorporating all three floors of the building, over the first weekend in June. It will be awesome, with a rock show in the basement and hopefully a succession of DJs spinning for about an hour apiece upstairs. More info as developments warrant.

And now to start cutting the Boss Tweed show. They need a couple of clips to help get a European Tour booked for this summer, so I've gotta get on that.

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