
listening pleasure

First, an update on the stickers. I've contracted with the fine folks at PsPrint and they're doing a four-color print on vinyl stickers for almost $100 less than the StickerGuy folks were going to charge for a three-color stencil. PsPrint seems like a really pro outfit, or at least their website has suckered me into thinking that. Stickers should arrive several days prior to my Grand International Tour so all seems well.

Last night I spent out on the town with the fine folks from Boss Tweed, first for their show at Desmond's Tavern in Manhattan (surprisingly tasty cheeseburger and fries to be had there, by the way) and then down at the Mercury Lounge for a great show by The Dansettes. The Dansettes are a 7-piece Stax/Atlantic-style soul outfit featuring three ladies singing. Highly recommended if you're in the mood for a neo-sixties groove.

Speaking of Boss Tweed, it looks like we may be closer to choosing a song of theirs for the music-video makings. Watch this space.
Also, if you're in NYC and you like the musical stylings of Patsy Cline, you can check out the Boss Tweed side project known as "Carolyn Sills And The Poor Man's Roses". They'll be playing at Bubby's in DUMBO, Brooklyn, on Thursday, June 8th at 9PM.


flip back, turn, and try again

Well, hubris has gotten me once again. My assertion in the previous post that the sticker printing was going ahead turns out to be false. I was just on the phone with Dave at Sticker Guy and he informed me that they only screenprint... so my design is far too complicated to render properly. That they only do screenprinting is not, so far as I have found, explicitly stated on the website but I suppose it should have been a clue when I chose the "four color" option and was presented with a list of colors to pick from rather than the standard CMYK. Ah well. Time to look for a new printer. If anyone has any leads on cheapish four color vinyl sticker printing I would be happy to hear about them.

My old schoolmate Declan appears to be just about finished with his feature film Urban Assault.
The EPK trailer there is pretty exciting (though warning to those in need of warning: graphic gun violence and bare breasts). Good luck, Declan!


mix the inks

The order has been sent. The printer has his mission.
Final ISOTA sticker

Quantity: 1000



A photo of Lincoln Park (and no definitely not Linkin Park... them I throw paper airplanes at) that I took from my hotel room window has been included in the Schmap Chicago Guide.

hotel room view

Schmap appears to be a "Web 2.0" style deal that provides somewhat interactive and no-doubt advertising-heavy maps of major cities. One of their people found my picture on flickr and requested use of it so I gave the go ahead. Weird stuff.