
boozy musings

After a rather inexcusably huge gap in posting, I've published a short reminiscence of my time in Ireland over at Blotto, the Journal of the North American Booze Council. It is, as one might expect from the venue (both of publishing and of subject) largely focused on drinking.

I've reproduced the introductory paragraphs below, and a link to the balance of the essay immediately follows.

Ireland is, first, a blur of ancient stone walls flashing out of the night as we blast down back country lanes, fifty kilometers per hour on the black left side of the road. Sarah has only been driving for a month. She and her sister Emma collected us after we touched down at Shannon, we weary and bleary and them bearing broad smiles and accents. They were, immediately, the most fun people I had ever met, but it was now obvious that in this Rover was where we were going to die, grinning, sung off to heaven by broadcast American blues music.

No one dies in Ireland before they’ve had a pint.

Second Class on the Overnight to Drunkistan, or The Boozy Foreigners – Part 2


from the mouth of the Squirrel

Recording engineer Tom Beaujour took to his Nuthouse Recording blog recently to describe the "punishing task" of tracking the forthcoming Flaming Tusk full length:

"The absolutely massively named Flaming Tusk and their debut album was up next. Crazy-ass extreme underground metal. A smarter, more well-read bunch of guys you have never met. They are obsessed with bizarre spirits (of the alcoholic, not supernatural type) and had bottles of some of the weirdest shit I have ever seen (artichoke liqueur, anyone?) at the ready at all times."

Read more about Tom's further adventures recording Five Finger Death Punch, Mutiny Within and Upon A Burning Body here.

The new Flaming Tusk full-length will be out Januaryish.