
douse the stars

Xristophage, Drummer

The Flaming Tusk recording session has been going tremendously well so far. In the first four days we got eight songs tracked with the full band, and our remaining four days will consist of guitar solo overdubs and the remainder of the vocals. I, personally, am rather astounded at the amount we've done so far and how incredibly rad it's all sounding even before any kind of real mixing work has happened.

While the band has been relying on a combination of NJ Transit and the MTA to get to Nuthouse Recording in Hoboken, our intrepid engineer / producer Tom "The Squirrel" Beaujour prefers to arrive in a much more rock n' roll manner, i.e.:

This being our first time in a Real Recording Studio, we've all been working out various methods of expressing what we're trying to get across. For example, our drummer Dumnorix Χριστόφαγος conducts guitarists through the control room glass in this manner:

We haven't decided on a name for the album yet, though we have a good amount of time before doing so becomes necessary. Days Without God is a popular choice on the shortlist, but I imagine the brainstorming will ratchet up during the mixing and mastering process. Album art will likely wait until we decide on which of the many metal labels out there deserves to release our apocalyptic awesomeness, but I assure you it will be great.

I leave you with a little taste of what's to come...

Visit flamingtusk.com for lots more video snippets of the work-in-progress. As always, the Abigail EP is available for free download from music.flamingtusk.com


"The USA Today" and Dan Brown deserve each other

I do not intend to read Dan Brown's new novel. I DID read The DaVinci Code because the entire world would simply not shut UP about it ever ever ever, and I completely hated each individual page.

Because I am a very petty man, I was incredibly delighted to find my rubbernecked reading of "The USA Today"'s, uh... words... about Brown's latest justified by the gift of the following exquisite sentences:

Langdon is a professor of "symbology." (Brown says there's no such academic field. "The closest is symbiotics.")

If there were such a thing as "symbiotics", I assume it would actually be the study of the lucrative synergy between hack lowbrow novelists and remedial newspapers written by and for the lexically challenged.


and... go

This is it, eleven days until Flaming Tusk charges into the studio to begin recording the followup to the Abigail EP. It's a fairly un-metal thing to say, but I'm a big fan of Nada Surf's Weight Is A Gift so it's quite exciting for me to work with producer / engineer Tom Beaujour seeing as how he was responsible for the recording on that there record. Also, hell, he's the editor-in-chief of Revolver Magazine so you know he's got an ear for the heavy stuff. We're going to be knocking out this whole thing really quickly, but we've been rehearsing the material diligently and I'm pretty confident we're going to make excellent use of our studio time.