
He had soul. He was superbad.

Rest in peace, James Brown. Get the afterlife on the good foot and doin' the boogaloo.

Black and Brown Trading Stamp
James Brown: 1933-2006


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

...and/or Happy Seasonal Holiday-Cum-Fourth-Quarter-Consumer-Spending-Frenzy of Your Choice, blog-reading public.

Lessee, what's going on?

Music videos for Boss Tweed and OUCH are in the offing. Lads from the latter will most likely be dropping in to view the footage I recently shot up in Northampton and from there we'll talk about what we might wanna do.

Pseudo-planning a trip back to Amsterdam for a couple of days in February as a mini-vacation following the completion of this year's 2007 Pro Football Draft Preview: Blue Chippers and Hidden Gems (I'm pretty sure that title will be even longer in 2008 - more lettery value for your dvd dollar). It will have been a very busy January by then. Why, you may ask, am I going back to a city I've been to so recently? Sometimes it's less about the place you go than the people you see.

Recent explorations in TV land have proven to me that the NBC version of The Office is equally enjoyable when compared to the BBC original, if not more greatly enjoyable.

I am reading Tolstoy on the subway. Next up will be a novel about zombies.

Lastly, the lovely and talented Shepard Fairey is at it again:

By the way, the set of photos linked at the top of this post feature my friend Tara Giordano, a fine actress of some reknown.


Them Brangit

Don Red Brangit

This weekend I went up to Northampton, MA to soak in the collegial atmosphere and videotape OUCH! brangin' it at The Elevens. Some sort of mini-documentary or music video type thing will most likely follow.

Thanks to the town of Northampton for good rock n' roll party times.